Fizza Mughal
3 min readAug 19, 2020


Applied Pomodoro Technique for workout and writing the blog to increase productivity and manage my time.

Pomodoro Technique: A time management method developed by Francesco Cirilloin. The idea behind the technique is that rather than feeling like you have endless time in the workday to get things done and then ultimately those precious work hours spend on distractions, Use only have 25 minutes to make as much progress on a task as possible. It uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks rather than doing a work constantly that can makes you tired and less focused.

My experience: Sometimes life gets so messy or I get so lazy even a 30 minutes workout seems too much to fit in a day. So today I want to discuss about my experience with pomodoro technique, After almost 5 months, today I went to university for research work, and I had to walk long to reach stop and my shoe broke due to rainy water and then I had to come back to home to change my shoes from stop and got conveyance with a lot of difficulty and then I went to university, and it was a busy day and I came home after 4 hours and I had to work on my fellowship work and thesis, After working, I was so tired, and my left leg got stiff, So I applied pomodoro technique for the physical activity, because I was tired sitting in front of the laptop, I did workout (Cardio, Stretches and abs) for 30 minutes, and set my time , Although for pomodoro technique, the time is 25 minutes and then you take a break for 5 minutes but I set it for the 30 minutes. And then I took break of 5 minutes.

During workout, I tried to do with focused mind so that I can complete it in a productive way, and a lot of distractions came like research work pressure, old thoughts and my sister teased me and created interruptions and noise during workout but I was focused on my workout and avoided distractions, because I had to do it in this required time and I didn’t talk and used phone in these 30 minutes, Although I am a overthinker and that’s a bad habit of mine but I was feeling better after applying this technique for workout because a lot of time it happens I show response and focus on distractions and I do not able to continue or it takes a lot of time

This technique helped me to manage distractions, control my time and increased productivity and then again applied this technique for writing a blog, After workout and break of 5 minutes, I am writing this blog and I didn’t use phone and talk to anyone to get rid of distractions.

I am planning to apply this technique to make sure I focus on the task because it helps to manage time, Key is to work smart, not hard and I am hoping that this technique will serve as a constant reminder.

